$10.5 Million
Auto v. Auto ( Head Injury)$4.8 Million
Pedestrian v. Auto$4.5 Million
Truck v. Auto$1.55 Million
Auto v. auto (rear end)$1.5 Million
Pedestrian v. Bus (G.C.)$1.25 Million
Auto v. Auto ( Head Injury)
If you, or a family member, have recently suffered injuries, that might be attributable to someone else's fault, you should contact a law firm that concentrates in practicing personal injury law. Law Offices of Burg & Brock (a Professional Law Corporation) is a law firm that over the years has devoted its efforts and resources to the representation of injured people and their families on matters involving solely personal injury.
Law Offices of
Burg & Brock
Is a law firm that over the years has devoted its efforts and resources to the representation of injured people and their families on matters involving solely personal injury. Specifically, Our Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyers have represented a long-list of individuals who suffered critical or fatal injuries

Specializing in:
Automobile and Motorcycle Accidents
- We have handled more than 5,000 accident cases.
- If you can’t come to us, We’ll come to you!
- We have an excellent reputation with insurance companies.
- We have free phone, home, or office consultations 24/7.
- We advance all expenses until your case resolves.
- Offices: Beverly Hills, Sherman Oaks, Orange County, and Glendale
- 98% success rate
- Over 200 Million Collected in settlements and verdicts
- We will not charge you any legal fees unless you win
- We will get you medical treatment and have your medical expenses paid
- We will repair or replace your vehicle
- We will arrange a rental vehicle while your vehicle is being repaired
- We will recover any other losses you may incur